Automatic gas and aerosol fire-extinguishing device

Automatic gas and aerosol fire-extinguishing device.

   Fire-extinguishing aerosol genrators are designed for volume extinguishing of fires classified as À2,  and for prevention of formation (Phlegmatization) of explosive environments in rooms classified as A, B, C, D, and E with the help of aerosol-based fire-extinguishing agents.

   Aerosol-based fire-extinguishing agents have the best fire-extinguishing properties among all volume extinguishing agents (5-10 times more effective than khladons, carbon dioxide powder, etc.), they are low-toxic, do not have ozone-depleting effect and are the best alternative to ecologically harmfull khladons.

   The generators differ from other aerosol generators due to its ability to produce cooled aerosol and use it for protection of explosive-risk areas. They are also able to extinguish fires of smoldering materials such as wood, paper, textile, all kinds of polymer, etc.

   The fire-extinguishing aerosol generator is activated by electric impulse sent to the initiator. The initiator ignites aerosol-forming copound. The produced fire-extinguishing aerosol goes through the labyrinth, then it is cooled to the set temperature and then fills the volume of the room protected.